Saturday, June 14, 2008

No more green

Sorry about the previous color I didnt think about it hurting your eyes...:) Look at Nee's "ew to New" she made. I think she did awesome it matches the living room. We have a neat carpet and lamps to match..:)

Long time!

Hi It has been a along time since I have posted anything. Not really sure if anyone reads it. We have been in our new house for almost 3 weeks. We still haven't gotten everything unpacked. We have awesome furniture, first time we have ever had anything new. We finally got another phone jack put in the scrapbook room for the computer. Then my computer wouldnt come on, so it had to go to the drs. I was able to buy a older one at work so Nee' can look up jobs and stuff. I really cant wait until we get all of the stuff unpacked in the house so we can focus on the scrapbook room. Nee' has so many ideas for it. We are gettting our bathroom floor done next week, Can't wait..I think this is all the rambling I will do for now. Here is a pic of Elliot when we are both away at work. He makes his way in to the scrapbook room and sits on the desk until we come back home. So sweet but so sad.:)