Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Weekly Update!

Hi! I guess that is what it will boils down to. I seem to only want to blog once a week. I don't have that much to blog about I guess. Renee' had Tres this last weekend! I guess we are very partical to him but he is REALLY SMART! He already talks in sentences and using I the right way. Like he says I want to eat! Actually he didn't say it he was crying it. He is a little drama boy. But so sweet! I didn't take a picture of him but we went out on Saturday night. Me and him were sitting on a bench. There was 2 benchs together with a chain wrapped around them so they wouldnt go anywhere. he sits on the arms of the 2 bench and says "Horsey"!! Too cute! You would really need to be there to get the full effect! He sings lots of songs Twinkle Twinkle, The barney song and some other ones. Can you tell I am a little partcial to him?

Here is the 2 pics I have of him from this weekend! Nee' sent them to me from her camera phone. Well I do know 18 days until my scrapbook retreat! I hope in a few weeks we will have everything up and running in the scrapbook room. We want to have an "open house".

Talk to you Later! Over and Out! Lisa

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Hi! I haven't been around in a while. Love to say that I have been real busy but not really. This week I finally found us another table for our scrapbook room and a end table to sit in the corner for the TV on it. The TV is an older one so it is to big to hang on the wall so it would be out of the way of everything. We will have to save money for one of those. I can't see buying a new one and putting it in there (since you only can watch whatever is on in the living room on it or dvd's since we didn't get cable ran in there.) I found the a table (with a leaf) , 4 chairs and the end table for $30 dollars on craigslist.org. I am loving that site a bunch. I am a free fanatic I guess. I catch myself checking it out all the time and seeing if it something that isn't far away from here to go get. Which is never but i check. Most of the time it is posted, the post will tell you it is outside and come get it. Well if it is in Fort Worth that would be an hour or so and I would have to after I am off work. So nope it won't be there because alot of people want free things. I guess my problem is I like to get stuff and give it away. Exspecially if I know someone is in need. I use freecycle yahoo groups also not so much is going on there. Mentioning freecyle Amycole and I went over to Weatherford to pick up about 5 or 6 sets of sheets for a friend of mine. They are king size sheets and those things are huge! I still have a full size bed, what am I talking about I had a twin size until I was 29 or so! That is pitiful huh? Never thought it was important anyway! Don't share my bed with anyone so well! Anyway Amycole and I stopped and ate at Montana last night! I would get in such trouble if that was in my town. i would eat there all the time! I love that place, Chicken tenders and hot mustard! In Rachel Rays words "Yummo"!!!
You ask why I went with Amycole? Where is Renee'? Renee' went to a scrapbook retreat with a family friend Vicki! So she will be back tomorrow afternoon! We have a pampered chef party to attend. At our very good friends house! Can't say I have that many good friends! Thinking about my good friend she would understand this pic and know what Nee' was totally thinking when she sent it to me!!

They weren't her's and she said she was totally taking them with her!! Go figure huh!

I love these cards.. Nee' does great just my opinion.

Over and Out!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday News!

Hello Everyone in Blog world!

How was your weekend? Mine was just about the same as most. We went and played bingo on Saturday night above pic is Nee' and Amy. We won NO MONEY! Renee' knows how to say BINGO though. She thought they called 51 but it was 41. UGH!!! We then went and ate at Chili's. I will say I don't much care for there food much. UGH on that also.

Yesterday Renee' made roast for lunch, dady and momma came over and ate. She made coconut pie. It was yummy! Well Daddy finally got our shelves hung in the scrapbook room. We started unpacking those boxes. YEA!! Maybe in a few weeks we will have that room up and running.

Today is Renee' 2ND day of substituting!! She doesn't look as nervous in this pic as she did in the one on Thursday. 2ND day and it is with the 2ND graders.. Well GOOD LUCK NEE'!
Over and Out! Lisa

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hello Friday!

Look!! Elliot got to go to the bank his Other momma (that is what I call Renee' to him). He is really spolied and when you pull up to the bank he gets in your lap in hopes that they will see him and share there bones with him!! Not much more to chat about!

Over and Out! Lisa

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Renee' is starting her first day of substituting! I know she is so scared and nervous but I know she will do GREAT!! Love you Lisa

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I am back!!!

I haven't been back on here for 7 days? Not much has happen, I have turned a year older. Renee' was so nice and she made me breakfast! I love waffles and sausage! Yummy!! I went to work and came home!! Renee, mamma and dady went and bought my b-day presents!

I got my glass storm door I wanted, a door bell , spice apples (from cracker barrel) YUMMY! A gift card from Sonic from Amycole and one from Elliot! They help me with me ddpvanilla addictions!!

My sister made me a cake and put all 38 candles on my cake!!

We went to play Bingo!! It was so much fun, we won nothing but a lot of fun!!

Then on Sunday went to church and didn't do much! I didn't have to go to work until 10:00 on Monday (in honor of Dove season opening). I guess I don't have much more to tell you all!! What my one person that reads this my sister!!

Over and Out! Lisa