Saturday, September 20, 2008


Hi! I haven't been around in a while. Love to say that I have been real busy but not really. This week I finally found us another table for our scrapbook room and a end table to sit in the corner for the TV on it. The TV is an older one so it is to big to hang on the wall so it would be out of the way of everything. We will have to save money for one of those. I can't see buying a new one and putting it in there (since you only can watch whatever is on in the living room on it or dvd's since we didn't get cable ran in there.) I found the a table (with a leaf) , 4 chairs and the end table for $30 dollars on I am loving that site a bunch. I am a free fanatic I guess. I catch myself checking it out all the time and seeing if it something that isn't far away from here to go get. Which is never but i check. Most of the time it is posted, the post will tell you it is outside and come get it. Well if it is in Fort Worth that would be an hour or so and I would have to after I am off work. So nope it won't be there because alot of people want free things. I guess my problem is I like to get stuff and give it away. Exspecially if I know someone is in need. I use freecycle yahoo groups also not so much is going on there. Mentioning freecyle Amycole and I went over to Weatherford to pick up about 5 or 6 sets of sheets for a friend of mine. They are king size sheets and those things are huge! I still have a full size bed, what am I talking about I had a twin size until I was 29 or so! That is pitiful huh? Never thought it was important anyway! Don't share my bed with anyone so well! Anyway Amycole and I stopped and ate at Montana last night! I would get in such trouble if that was in my town. i would eat there all the time! I love that place, Chicken tenders and hot mustard! In Rachel Rays words "Yummo"!!!
You ask why I went with Amycole? Where is Renee'? Renee' went to a scrapbook retreat with a family friend Vicki! So she will be back tomorrow afternoon! We have a pampered chef party to attend. At our very good friends house! Can't say I have that many good friends! Thinking about my good friend she would understand this pic and know what Nee' was totally thinking when she sent it to me!!

They weren't her's and she said she was totally taking them with her!! Go figure huh!

I love these cards.. Nee' does great just my opinion.

Over and Out!

1 comment:

Hello Hobbies said...

Great photo of you and you kiddies, you look gorgeous!
