Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Weekly Update!

Hi! I guess that is what it will boils down to. I seem to only want to blog once a week. I don't have that much to blog about I guess. Renee' had Tres this last weekend! I guess we are very partical to him but he is REALLY SMART! He already talks in sentences and using I the right way. Like he says I want to eat! Actually he didn't say it he was crying it. He is a little drama boy. But so sweet! I didn't take a picture of him but we went out on Saturday night. Me and him were sitting on a bench. There was 2 benchs together with a chain wrapped around them so they wouldnt go anywhere. he sits on the arms of the 2 bench and says "Horsey"!! Too cute! You would really need to be there to get the full effect! He sings lots of songs Twinkle Twinkle, The barney song and some other ones. Can you tell I am a little partcial to him?

Here is the 2 pics I have of him from this weekend! Nee' sent them to me from her camera phone. Well I do know 18 days until my scrapbook retreat! I hope in a few weeks we will have everything up and running in the scrapbook room. We want to have an "open house".

Talk to you Later! Over and Out! Lisa

1 comment:

liz mataraza said...

holy cow! he's getting big! and i really thought he was going to have dark hair, but he looks like a little blondie to me!

already talking? owen doesn't really make a peep, but neither did michael.